
Just to get this off my chest, because I've been carrying it around for a long time now wanting to share it with everyone . So here it is.


Accidental Imprisonment Insurance.



I own the idea of it, I founded it, I invented it and it's mine, I own the patent on it. So here is how it works, when someone purchases accidental Imprisonment insurance and they accidentally end up in prison, money is made made available to the policy holder. It is like life insurance but you don't get it if your spouse dies, only if he gets accidentally imprisoned. See let's say you are married to someone who pays all the bills and takes care of you and because of no fault of yours, your spouse gets arrested and found guilty of some crime. Well he now can't work and pay for all your bills and even though he is not dead, you are still without your sugar daddy. So who you gonna call? Your Accidental Imprisonment Insurance adjuster. You'll get enough money that if it were invested properly would generate the same amount of money your spouse generated.


I watch a lot of crime tv. Court shows, forensic shows, crime dramas. When your spouse used to work in the prison system, you learn all about crime dramas that you never knew before.

Anyway, watching all those people commit crimes, and some of them who don't commit crimes end up in prison made me think about the spouse Poor spouse, she need accidental imprisonment insurance now that her husband had been sent to prison.